
Pediatric Wheelchairs Provide Children with Mobility

It is the fervent desire of every child to be able to move freely, whether it is at school, at play or anywhere else. Even a child that is unable to walk on his or her own would love to move about as freely as possible. There was a time when the impairment of a child's legs meant that he or she would not be able to move about, and sitting on a wheelchair could be likened to being confined to a jail cell.

Modern Technology Has Eased Some Pain

With modern technology churning out innovative products, the pediatric wheelchairs of today have unmatched sophistication that provides freedom of movement to children that was once not possible. A good pediatric wheelchair can give the child a number of positions to choose from that include sitting and standing as well as laying down.

You can get a power pediatric wheelchair pretty much as readily as you could other power wheelchairs. The important thing is to choose a pediatric wheelchair that fits the needs of the child, and it should be bought after making a complete assessment of these needs. In fact, hospitals as well as medical centers do just that so that only the most suitable pediatric wheelchair is provided to children of all ages.

Manufacturers too are targeting specific requirements of children when they make pediatric wheelchairs. They most likely would take account of mobility, independence, physical abilities as well as skills related to the child's functioning as well as how well the child can control his or her extremities - upper as well as lower. In addition, how well the child can activate switches or even joysticks and his or her need for seating support as well as posture are other considerations that manufacturers of pediatric wheelchairs need to address in their products.


Once you have bought your pediatric wheelchair, be sure to take good care of it and maintain it regularly. Make sure that it is cleaned and the hardware as well as the tire braking system (if one exists) is functioning properly. Check that the seat and control system are well cared for and tested regularly. Other considerations that the prospective pediatric wheelchair user needs to consider include the child's temperament, lifestyle as well as his or her capacity to meet different situations in the society that he or she moves in.

Choose the pediatric wheelchair carefully and understand how it will be transported, and buy a lightweight wheelchair in case of frequent transportation requirements. Remember that the added movement that the child will get from his or her pediatric wheelchair will help in his or her participation in other activities. Therefore, finding the best wheelchair would mean balancing the child's needs with practical (financial and functional) considerations and coming up with the best combination.