
Motorized Wheelchairs Are Very Popular In the US

From the early motorized wheelchairs that were used on the beaches of San Diego to provide mobility to the disabled; they have since become quite common fixtures for the disabled. With the added independence as well as better mobility that a disabled person gets from using a motorized wheelchair, it is not surprising that it is becoming more widely used the world over.

From Simple Modified Wheelchairs to Power Devices

Your motorized wheelchair could be no more than a modified manual wheelchair that has wheels added to control movement. Using such a device makes it easier to perform daily chores and means not being totally dependent on others to move about. With the advent of electric wheelchairs, the old manual wheelchairs have given way to power as well as motorized wheelchairs.

Sometimes, you may hear the motorized wheelchair referred to as a power wheelchair because of reasons of better mobility as well as more value gained from not having to exert physical force to move about. The motorized wheelchair lemon law has been enacted in order to protect the rights of users, and it provides for keeping the best interests of such users safeguarded. Undoubtedly, using motorized wheelchairs provides users with the best in terms of becoming mobile, and this has given it added popularity. Even if you are suffering from a severe disability, these wonder devices will restore your independence, and even allow you to take part in sports and other related activities.

The advice of a physician will help you select a proper motorized wheelchair which should meet with your particular requirements is it size, shape or specific features. The motorized wheelchair is the choice of many disabled people who do not wish to, or cannot use physical exertion in order to propel themselves forward. With many different wheelchairs to choose from, the choice is indeed mind boggling.

Picking up a motorized wheelchair could set you back anywhere between $1500 and $7500 depending on the features. You can choose from rear-wheel, front-wheel as well as mid-wheel drives. Using the motorized wheelchair means controlling it with a joystick, accommodating functions for seating as well as posture support, maneuvering in tight places as well as having a number of options with regard to tires and powerbase.

Ask your doctor what kind of wheelchair you need and find out how much your insurance company is willing to pay. Over and above that, you can add as many bells and whistles as your budget allows.