
Capture The Joy With A Wedding Favor Camera

Professional photographers often miss numerous moments of joyful celebration, leaving you wondering why you never thought of having our own wedding favor camera for capturing the invaluable moments of wedding.

Advantage Of A Wedding Favor Camera

In the hustle of wedding, the professional photographer is often too busy taking the pictures of the couple and their family. At the reception, many great moments generate with the guests and family friends. Several of these participants get an excellent chance to preserve a memorable pose but miss on account of unavailability of a camera. Providing an inexpensive wedding favor camera at each guest table allows the capturing of such great moments.

Cocktail Bar

An ideal spot for placing more than one wedding favor camera is the cocktail bar or juice bar. It is the nucleus of wholesome gathering and you would like to place several disposable cameras here to allow different people take a shot of their chosen moment.

Special Features Of An Ideal Wedding Favor Camera

A camera used as a wedding favor is not very expensive, though it should be of a quality to take clear pictures. If the wedding party is in the evening, get a camera with a nice flashlight so that the images are visible clearly. In addition, it should carry a nice looking favor card, suiting the occasion. You can have the card printed with a brief message that asks the guests to take pictures throughout the celebration and leave the camera on the table.

Designs In Wedding Favor Cameras

Before buying a favor camera for the wedding, consider what kind of theme will be dominating the party. The color and style of the camera should match those adorning the wedding occasion. For instance, you should get a silver favor camera for a silver plated wedding, rose themed camera for a party with dominating red colors and flowers, and so on. Beach design, Precious Moments etc. are popular wedding favor cameras easily available in gift shops and online.

Disposable Wedding Favor Cameras

A variety of disposable wedding favor cameras are commercially available. These are equipped with a built-in flash system. They are loaded an ISO 400, 35 mm film (usually Agfa or Fuji Film). Wedding favor cameras of 27 exposures are more liked for wedding occasions.

Covers For Cameras

According to the occasion, you can choose or personalize the cover of the camera with hearts, roses, silver colored ribbons etc. The look adds to the impression of the reception spot.