
A Garden Wedding Favor Is A Unique Gift Which Your Guests Will Grow To Love

A wedding is by far one of the most special days of our lives, where everything and everyone is present for the same reason to enter your families history forever. The guests present are important to the couple not only because they are witness to their vow of eternal love but also because they make this day special with their presence and blessings.

The Tradition Of Wedding Favors

Wedding favors started as a thank you note in Europe where usually sweets and other home made items were handed out in appreciation of the guests' attendance at the wedding. The tradition caught on along the years and the wedding favors as well for everyone who does attend a wedding is special in order to be part of such a magical and unique moment in one's life.

Plants And Flowers Are A Sign Of Love And Beauty

Plants and tress have always made any place brighter and healthier and especially if it is a gift from someone you care and love. However, for a garden wedding favor you don't need to actually give a plant or flower to your guest just some special seeds in a silk sachet will be enough.

Garden wedding favors are not common and usually are presented to close family and friends who you know have got an understanding of the gift and a use as well. Another garden wedding favors suggestion is a the lucky Asian bamboo tied with a red ribbon and this can be presented to all your guests for everyone knows the meaning of it and if they don't you can always enlighten them with the story behind the lucky plant.

Consults The Experts

If you are not sure whom to present with garden wedding favors or if you need advice on what type of garden wedding favors to choose you can always check with the experts in the domain and those are the one that manufacture wedding favors.

Another great source for ideas and suggestions if your wedding planner if you have one as he or she usually deals with such issues everyday and not only can make a few suggestions but also will direct you in the right direction in order to find the garden wedding favors of your choice at the best possible prices.

Helping Tips

Wedding favors are not expensive yet the gesture behind them is what makes it worth the world to the guest who receives the same. Remember to always personalize your wedding favor as much as you possibly can, a thank you note or a signature is fast yet makes a great impact.