
Tupperware Food Storage: Tupperware Super Cereal Storer And A Few Others

There are many items that qualify as Tupperware food storage items and they include the Tupperware Super Cereal Storer, Blue Seals and this product features a rugged plastic container that can store 20 cups of cereal and helps to prevent staleness, being virtually airtight, and has a moisture-proof seal to preserve freshness. It also has a hinged spout for spill-free pouring and helps to keep the cereal cabinet or drawer in good and dry condition and the lifetime warranty against chipping, cracking, breaking and peeling is a standard feature of this Tupperware food storage product. Also, the weight of this product is about two pounds and it retails for about ten dollars.

Tupperware 3-Piece Fridgesmart Set And More

The Tupperware 3-piece FridgeSmart Set is a container that controls the air supply of refrigerated vegetables as well as fruits and helps the produce to breathe and it requires different amounts of air to stay fresh and with two vents in each side of the container that can open as well as shut according to the needs of the content, it is indeed a very useful food storage item. There are also raised grids on the bottom of the container that help to elevate food out of its own moisture and the set consists of three containers that are 19-1/2 cup, 7 cup and 4 ½ cup. This Tupperware food storage item weighs two pounds and the dimensions are 16.1 x 8.7 x 6.8 inches and it retails for approximately fifty two dollars.

The New Tupperware - Small Amber Rock N Serve (2 for 1) is yet another Tupperware food storage item that is easy to stack and almost completely unbreakable and has 1 cup capacity containers. Its special rocker vent allows steam to break out and it also helps in advancing even heating so that every part of the food gets uniform heating. Since the seals stays on, it allows splatters to stay in and the small feet on the bottom of the container makes it possible for microwaves to completely surround the container. In addition, it is dishwasher-safe and comes with a lifetime warranty and retails for seven dollars.

The last Tupperware food storage item that is described here is the Tupperware Lunch'n Things Container that allows the user to neatly pack lunches and there are plenty of other uses of this clever container which features four divided compartments and this slim and on-the-go container can accommodate a variety of lunch favorites. It can fit Tupperware Midgets as well as Smidget Containers thus making it possible to bring condiments as well as dressings. It is ideally suited for backpacks or briefcase and it is also an all purpose container that can hold crafts, sewing tools and even a fishing tackle. It retails for around six dollars.