
Some Things Worth Knowing Regarding A Generator Transfer Switch

The function of the generator transfer switch is to start up the generator when it senses that utility power has been interrupted and there is no power thenceforth, and five or ten seconds after the generator has started to produce full power, the generator transfer switch will disconnect the load from the utility and then connect it to the generator so that the load gets its electricity. The work of the generator transfer switch does not stop here and it continues to keep tabs on utility power till such time as it gets restored after which it transfers the load from generator to the utility. Finally, the generator transfer switch, when it gets disconnected, requires going through a process in which it must cool down after which it automatically is shut off.

Different Types

There are different types of generator transfer switches and these include momentary closed transition, transition and also bypass isolation. In the case of a generator transfer switch that is open transition, it is a very simple switch that is also interlocked mechanically and disconnects the load from one type of power and connects to the other. On the other hand, the closed transition generator transfer switch helps in eliminating any power interruption however momentary it is and keeps the two sources synchronized through transference of loads using an arrangement of overlapping contacts. The third type or the momentary closed transition generator transfer switch performs the function of switching the power in about hundred milliseconds and there is also no need for utility protective relaying. Among the more well known brands for generator transfer switches you will find the names of Caterpillar, MGE, ASCO and also Hubble.

Though there are many different types of generators available on the market, you need to ensure that the generator you purchase has a generator transfer switch which will help to turn the home or your office electrical current from utility power even before the generator switches on and which in turn ensures that the electrical current from generator does not reverse into the utility lines and thus helps ensure that you have a safe environment in which your electricity works.

In fact, it is illegal to connect the generator directly into electrical wiring points unless a generator transfer switch is present since that would be dangerous due to the possibility of backfeeding or interconnection which as explained is supplying the electricity from the wiring system back into the utility power.