
Safety Precautions To Heed With Your Portable Electric Generator

The electric generator comes in many forms such as a steam engine, water turbine or even a hand-cranked model. However, the most popular electric generator is the gas-powered model and is used for residential purposes as well as commercial uses. With a portable electric generator such as the gas-powered ones, there are some general guidelines you should follow for safety reasons to ensure a secure operation.

Take Care With Wiring And Power Situations

Whatever you do, do not connect any household wiring directly into your electric generator as this can have a variety of repercussions. For instance, the power from the generator can cause a reverse power supply into the power lines going to your home. This can spell potentially deadly problems for utility company linemen who are repairing the electrical lines in your neighborhood.

Have a transfer switch installed by a professional electrician that will switch power from the utility lines from the power company to the generator when needed. Another thing you do not want to do is plug your electric generator into an outlet directly as this can cause similar deadly consequences as the direct wiring scenario. Instead, plug in individual appliances as needed into an extension cord or receptacle directly to the generator.

Store And Operate The Generator Properly

Never use your electric generator indoors as it uses fuel to operate and produce an odorless carbon monoxide emission. A well-ventilated place is needed for the electric generator to operate. This place should be away living areas to avoid possible exhaust transfers to the home yet be enclosed enough to affect protection from the elements.

Do not store the fuel for your generator in a closed in garage or building, especially if the area has a furnace. If the fumes from the gasoline reach an open flame such as a pilot light on a furnace or hot water heater, you could have an explosion on your hands. In addition, under no circumstances do you refuel your electric generator while it is still running. You should turn the generator off and allow it to cool first before pouring in additional fuel for its operation.

Follow The Operating Instructions

When in doubt, always follow the operating instructions that come with your electric generator. You will learn about how to avoid overloading the generator as well as the proper cords and receptacle outlets to use. You will also discover how to ensure that your electric generator is properly grounded before starting it as well as how to avoid burning yourself on the components.

All in all, the electric generator is fairly easy to use but always keep in mind the potential hazards that are involved when dealing with fuel operated machinery in conjunction with electrical components. Many accidents that happen in the home are avoidable as long as proper safety precautions and operation guidelines are adhered to.