
How To Choose Water Plants For A Garden Pond

Creating a pond in your garden is one of the best ways to increase the beauty and the value of your property. Water plants add even more appeal to an ordinary garden pond. There are several types of water plants to choose from and a couple of considerations that you should take in account in you purchases. This article will review the six basic types of water plants, discuss options for both fish occupied and fish-free ponds as well as offer some optimal suggestions for both.

Six Types Of Water Plants

The six types of water plants are: water lilies, oxygenators, floating water plants, partially emerged plants, marginals, and bog-like water plants. Water lilies are also referred to as a Lotus or a Nymphaea. This queen of the pond flowers comes in a wide array of colors, mostly fragrant. Oxygenators are normally completely submerged in the garden pond. Floating plants are aptly named since they float along the surface of the water. Partially emerging plants have roots that sit in the bottom of the pond while the stems or stalks stick through the surface of the pond water. Marginals are intended for very shallow ponds and usually possess beautiful blossoms. Finally bog plants only need wet mud, and no water at all, to thrive in a garden.

Water Plants With Fish

Garden ponds that are act as homes to fish present more of a challenge when it comes to choosing water plants. Some plants, like water lilies, so not like rapidly moving water or splashing so they are best to avoid with very active fish like koi. Plant the roots in a surface of pebbles to decrease the chance of fish uprooting the water plants. Specially made mats or baskets also provide security for water plants in a garden pond containing fish. A special note, do not bring home any plants from stream of lakes that you may come across and fancy. These plants can grow rampant in the environment of your garden pond. This overgrowth can kill your fish and make your entire pond look sloppy. This can also happen if you over plant your pond forgetting that water plants do grow bigger and will fill in if your pond looks a little sparse at first.

Water Plants Without Fish

It is easier to choose water plants for garden ponds without fish. The only things you need to consider it the depth of your pond and the climate you live in. A good ratio of plants is two oxygenators, one water lily, and one bog plant per 10 square feet of pond space. Of course you will arrange your plants to be pleasing to the eye and not just to fit these recommendations. Additional flowering or floating plants can be used to give a more tropical feel to your pond. Without fish to be concerned with, a little overgrowth can lend a lush and beautiful look to your garden pond.