
Liposuction Swelling: Keeping It On The Down Low

You have made the decision to have cosmetic surgery. This is something you have given much thought to; you have weighed the negative and positives, and are still on board. You are opting for liposuction in order to get some help in having that flat, sexy stomach. While a sensible diet and exercise have shed pounds, all the crunches and stair masters in the world cannot seem to give you those Jennifer Aniston abs.

You are well aware of any and all risks a cosmetic procedure like liposuction may pose. Hopefully you have discussed your intentions with your family physician, and you have a stable bill of health from him. If you have not already, you should be thoroughly searching for a qualified cosmetic specialist. He or she will be able to answer most, if not all of your questions about the procedure. One thing most prospective patients want to know in regard to liposuction is swelling.

How much swelling after liposuction should one expect? It depends on a few different factors. Have you undergone a liposuction procedure before? Present scar tissue from previous treatments can cause more than usual swelling. Liposuction on lowers parts of the body, like thighs and bottom have a greater tendency to swell than other areas.

Taking A Closer Look

You might also want to take a gander at your family tree. Genetics can have an influence on your post-liposuction swelling. Blame Aunt Edna and/or Uncle Boris for those particular genes. Certain chemicals in the body, such as histamine can also be a culprit in swelling after liposuction. There has been some reports of using antihistamines to reduce swelling, but nothing written in stone as of yet. Talk to your surgeon about what can be done.

Having a quality, comfortable liposuction garment is very important in your recovery. There is a bit of a debate how often, and soon the liposuction garment should be worn. But it does help to reduce swelling and speed the healing process along. Most surgeons will agree that it should be worn during the initial post-operative time when swelling from liposuction can occur.

The best thing you can do is ask questions; your chosen surgeon and his or her staff will have the best suggestions on how you can aid your body through the recovery period. Much of this you can find out before you have any surgical procedures. And be very picky about whom you choose; you have every right to be.