
Healthy Lawn And Family: Organic Lawn Care

One of the first indications that a home is cared for is the appearance of the grounds. Bushes that are neatly trimmed, vegetation that looks strong and healthy and brightly colored flowers all testify to the fact that the homeowner takes pride in their home.

In addition, a lawn that is lush looking and free from weeds is an appealing feature for the individual homeowner and the neighborhood overall. In order to maintain a healthy lawn that preserves the environment and provides for the safety of loved ones, it is important to consider organic lawn care.

Therefore, it is important to discuss the benefits of utilizing organic lawn care and methods that can be implemented.

Benefits Of Utilizing Organic Lawn Care

There are several benefits obtained in utilizing organic lawn care. Two of those beneficial categories include our care of the environment as well as the care of our loved ones within the home.

It is important to realize that for every action there is a consequence. This law of cause-and-effect can also be seen when harsh chemicals are utilized to promote the growth of lawns or the utilizing of herbicides to control weed growth. These non-environmentally safe products can enter the water supply and damage other plant and animal life. Therefore, through the use of organic lawn care techniques and products the environment and delicate ecosystem balance can be maintained.

In addition to the individual doing their part to maintain the environment, another benefit realized is the benefit of providing for the safety of one's family and pets. Often the lawn products that are not organic in nature contain strong chemicals. Often these chemicals are poisonous in nature. Therefore, if ingested, touched or inhaled they can cause damage to pets or members of the family.

Methods Of Implementing Organic Lawn Care

One effective organic lawn care method is the height at which the lawn is mowed. It has been shown that the best way to produce a healthy looking lawn, which is thick in nature, is to adjust the cutting level of the lawnmower. Therefore, it is important that when mowing the lawn the height settings of the lawnmower should be at the highest setting.

This will allow for the blades of grass to grow tall which in turn allows for fuller exposure to the Sun. This fuller exposure to the Sun facilitates the photosynthesis process which creates healthier blades of grass and healthier roots which in turn allows the grass to obtain the necessary nutrients from the earth.

Another simple method of providing organic lawn care is to make sure that the blades of the lawn mower are sharp. If the blades of a lawnmower are dull they will tear the grass rather than cut the grass. The tearing of the grass may make the blades of grass more susceptible to damage caused by infection and thus the loss of water.

One other organic lawn care tip is to allow the lawn clippings to remain on the lawn. This natural decomposing of the cut grass will allow vital nutrients to be released into the soil. Specifically this vital nutrient is nitrogen which can provide up to 50% of the yearly nitrogen needs of the lawn.

In addition, by leaving the lawn clippings, earthworm activity will increase beneath the lawns surface. Earthworms aerate the soil as well as allow the better absorption of water.