
Lawn Maintenance Schedule Keeps Lawn Care On Track

To maintain consistent care of your yard you should establish a lawn maintenance schedule to keep your yard looking its best all year. Typical homeowners have a schedule that has them cutting the grass when it needs it and it is not raining or is too cold. A lawn maintenance schedule dictated by chance will not keep your yard lush and green.

Before the season is too far gone you should make a list of the chores in your yard that need to be done throughout the year. This list is then broken down by the frequency of the jobs such as weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and even by season. Once this is done you can start on a lawn maintenance schedule and incorporate the jobs that need to be done. The exact day they are accomplished by vary due to the weather and unexpected changes in your work schedule but as many have learned, if you do not write it down, it will not get done.

How extensive your schedule becomes will depend on the size of your lawn, your passion towards having a beautiful yard and your budget. Regardless of these variables, however the grass will need cut. Your lawn maintenance schedule should also include the time you expect to spend on each task, based on experience or, if it is your first year with the yard, an educated guess based on past experience.

Remember Time For Fertilizer Applications

When writing your lawn maintenance schedule do not leave out spring, summer and winter fertilizing. If you have any plans for planting flowers or shrubs make allowances for that, so by looking at the lawn maintenance schedule you know how much time you will be spending in the yard. You should also make contingency plans for rainy days and plan on them as no matter where you live you will be disrupted by the weather.

If you schedule jobs for other areas of your home, some of the time scheduled on your lawn maintenance schedule could be used as a contingency for jobs that can be done during inclement weather. No one likes to clean the garage, but if you cannot cut grass it is something that can be done in the rain.

Your lawn maintenance schedule can be your friend, especially if a task does not take as long as expected. If you get done early with a job and nothing else in scheduled, then the time remaining is your during which to relax.