
Finding a Job in Your Area: Using a Local Job Search Engine

There are local job search engines in abundance on the web today and the trick is to figure out which ones best match the individuals' needs and desires so that they can most quickly find the jobs that they are looking for, since the more days that pass without a job, the more problems occur, so time is of the essence. Local job search engines can also provide places for users to talk to each other and give each other tips and resources, such as new contacts in the field that they are going into. There are also more focused local job search engines that focus on a particular field such as a medical job search, allowing users to already have the advantage that all jobs listed are in that particular field.

Using the Search

Most local job search engines allow users to browse through the local job listings without actually signing up themselves until they are sure they want to use that particular search engine. On the home page, individuals can usually enter in key word information about the job they are looking for and the location that they want to find the job in. When they enter that information, the local job search engine will usually pull up job listings that are within twenty miles of the location entered into the local job search. If the user wants to refine the search at that point, they can often enter in that they want the location to be within ten miles of their home city to even sixty miles away, depending on their preference.

Local job search engines also usually have the ability to narrow the search by categories of jobs. They will often have these categories listed out for the individual so that they do not have to decide of what name to put in for the field. Once the list of the various categories comes up, the user can click on the particular field that they are interested in, thus giving them some subcategories to choose from that can narrow their search. They can also narrow the location of the search at that point so that only the jobs in that particular subcategory and location are shown in the list.

If a person is interested in jobs anywhere in their state, they can also do a local job search by location, where most sites list out the various states to choose from, and when clicked, show all the jobs that are in that particular state. From there, the user can narrow down the search to the cities that they are interested in and narrow it further to the categories of fields they want to work in.