
Understanding The Facts About Male Impotence

Male impotence is getting greater awareness today since more and more research is being done on the frequency and causes. There are some facts about male impotence that men and women need to be aware of. Impotence is something that usually affects all men at some point in their lives. It only becomes a problem when it keeps recurring.

Male impotence used to be looked upon as a normal part of aging. As arteries become hardened and clogged, there is a reduced blood flow to parts of the body that require a certain amount of blood flow to function. This is often referred to as hardening of the arteries and usually appears later in life. There are many factors involved that can lead to this condition. Eating a diet high in saturated fats and sugars can lead to high cholesterol levels and well as type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is a well known cause for poor circulation and male impotence.

There are many facts about male impotence that are given little attention until a problem arises. Alcohol use, high blood pressure, obesity, and lack of exercise can all be contributing factors. Smoking constricts the arteries and reduces blood flow. Certain medications which are given for high blood pressure are also associated with male impotence. It is also a known fact that male impotence can be the result of high stress and anxiety. Identifying the risk factors can help you to evaluate your lifestyle and pinpoint the possible causes.

Decreasing The Risk Of Male Impotence

Once you understand the facts about male impotence there are many options available to you for treatment. Often a change in lifestyle can be the only necessary treatment. If you are a smoker, you can greatly improve your overall health by quitting. This not only could improve circulation, it can also help reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If you are overweight, losing as little as ten pounds can produce a decrease in blood pressure. Starting on a regular exercise program will help with cholesterol levels, increase the amount of oxygen level in the body, and is known to increase circulation.

If lifestyle changes do not help the problem, it is important to visit your doctor for an evaluation. The solution may be as simple as a change in medication. With the advances that have been made in the treatment of male impotence, there is no reason for anybody to suffer because of embarrassment. Understanding the facts about male impotence can also help you understand the causes. Your doctor can help you determine a treatment that will benefit you. Successful treatment can not only improve your personal relationships, it can restore your self-esteem.