
A Concise Safety Checklist for Stables on Any Horse Ranch

Many people nowadays prefer to retire from the hustle and bustle of the city life to the tranquility and natural beauty of the country side. Since land is cheaper to acquire in these parts, many set up beautiful ranches and farms over vast areas. In time, they gradually become totally self-sufficient on these ranches totally excluding the city and its commotion out of their lives.

The Beauty vs. the Safety of a Horse Ranch

Horse ranches are among the most popular choices for people who choose to settle in the country-side. Besides the fact that horses make for a healthy investment, people love to have these animals around. Some use their horse ranches for breeding, some for training the animals, and some as an 'old age home' where the old horses can lead peaceful and pain-free lives.

Whatever may be the specifications of the horse ranch, there are some basic points in the requirements of the safety that would be applicable anywhere on earth. It is good to make note of these specifications and ensure that your horse ranch has all that it is required to have.

1. Ensure that there is enough space in the horse stable. The aisle should have enough space for two horses to cross each other with out any inconvenience.

2. Ensure there is sufficient ventilation in the stable. Light and space are very important requirements for all animals, but horses are actually more partial to these two aspects than any animals known.

3. The stables should be constructed with high roofs and ceilings. Calculate it in such a way that a horse rearing up should not have any problem. A height of about 10 feet would usually suffice

4. Pay extra attention to the floors. Use concrete because this is totally slip proof for the horses and stable people alike. It is very important that the horse and its caretaker can walk up and down without fear of fractures or slip discs and/or any such accidents.

5. Keep clutter away from the horses - Horses are extremely curious animals and will make it a point to check everything, one by one in the area around them. Remove any sharp things that it could get and swallow of fall upon it.

6. Prevent nasty accidents; be careful of what you throw on the ground. There could be sharp nails which may enter the hoof of the horse, jutting out plank from the wall, and other such hazardous elements.