
Modular, Steel or Wooden Horse Barns

The horse barn can be either site built, be modularly constructed or there are also options available to add stalls in an existing building. Before deciding on a horse barn there are certain things that need to be carefully considered such that horses do eat wood and more so when the wood is wet. So the beautiful horse barn that you purchased may soon lose its beauty and so a good option would be to use safe and fire resistant low maintenance as well as long lasting modular horse barns where galvanized metal completely covers the wood and insulating material.

Cover the Wood Completely

In case one does go in for a wood horse barn it may be advisable to cover the exposed edges as this will reduce chewing and one should also make certain that there are no sharp edges or exposed fasteners. Also, when building or buying a horse barn, one should check that the design allows for enough room for the horse or foal to trap a leg, foot or head. There may be serious injury caused to the horse were its foot to get under the stall wall or door. It is best to cover the doors and walls completely by flooring material. There should also not be any electrical outlets, plugs, fans or lights within easy reach of the horse.

Apart from the safety precautions that need to be taken when choosing a barn, its quality and maintenance costs are also factors that need to be carefully considered when choosing manufacturers. There are many manufacturers of modular horse barns and one of them is Ameristall who take great pride in all their barns and ensure that each structure is always constructed using the highest quality materials and these buildings are also low on maintenance. Their horse barns boast many features including taller sidewalls that are sheeted completely, and their Raised Center Aisle as well as Straight Gable barns includes two, alley-width, split sliding doors at either end of the barn.

A name that is well known for being one of the largest manufacturers of wooden horse barns is Lester Buildings and they have also won the NFBA's Building of the Year Award. They manufacture wooden horse barns and they claim to be without parallel when it comes to manufacturing such equestrian facilities, having more than 50 years of experience coupled with an unmatched record of long-term building performance.