
Global Warming Impact On Earth: How Can We Help?

Global warming impact on Earth is something that should not be underestimated nor taken for granted by the people. The effects of this phenomenon are more diverse and wide spread than what we ordinary people might think or expect. The global warming impact on Earth affects not only humans but also plants, animals and the environment.

Effects Of Global Warming

The global warming impact on Earth that we should be really wary of is climate change. This global warming impact on Earth may actually be the root of a lot of natural disasters and phenomenon that are occurring on earth at this very moment. Climate change is the result of too much heat in the atmosphere due to the pollution that we have been producing since time immemorial. The global warming impact on Earth that causes the frantic change in the weather is deadly and has already taken a lot of lives.

Another effect that has been caused by global warming is the melting of the polar ice caps. This is also due to the global warming impact on Earth brought about by climate change. As the polar ice caps melt, the sea levels rise thus affecting land mass and other things in the oceans. The most affected by this global warming impact on Earth are in the vicinity of the polar ice caps. Polar bears numbers have been reduced dramatically since scientists have noticed the global warming impact on Earth starting with the polar ice caps.

The bears are drowning in their habitat due to the strain of having to swim further out to sea to hunt. The lack of food in their immediate vicinity is caused by the lack of food of their prey. This chain reaction will not stop with the polar bears. This will eventually affect humans as well.

Another global warming impact on Earth caused by climate change is the spread of diseases as well as the mutation of some to adapt to the medicines and changes in the environment. The development of super viruses and diseases are expected as these viruses and bacteria adapt to the changing of the atmosphere and environment.

The global warming impact on earth is caused none other by people. The need to be fast and always ready has caused the people to develop ways and means which take away our humanity as well as the means to take away the futures of our children.