
Global Warming Impacts On Animals: How Global Warming Threatens Animals Around The World

As the earth hearts up, we experience a lot of changes around us. Farmers feel the changes more acutely compared to those people who are living in the cities. In the past few years, farmers from all over the world reported that their farm production significantly decreased. Farmers who are raising ruminant animals like cows, sheep and the likes said that the impact of global warming on farm animals have become quite severe in the last few years. Some of the impacts of global warming on farm animals include stunted growth, lesser productivity and reduced fertility. According to experts, the impact of global warming on animals located in drought prone areas are even more severe compared to those animals that are located in more temperate areas. As the impact of global warming on animals deepens, farmers are forced to sell their animals at higher cost to recover their losses. In effect, the cost of food in the market also increased.

On the other hand, farmers who are producing poultry products in controlled environments are also beginning to see the impact of global warming on animals. Despite the fact that these animals are raised in controlled environment, many farmers cannot help but notice that their birds weigh less than they should. The reduced weight of the birds coupled with the increase in energy cost to keep these birds in a more or less controlled environment push the prices of poultry products in the market.

Impact Of Global Warming On Wild Animals

The impact of global warming is not limited to domestic and farm animals alone. Studies show that animals in the wild suffer more from global warming compared to domestic or farm animals. In fact, experts believe that the impact of global warming on wild animals is so great that some of these species are at risk of extinction. At present, scientists are trying to gauge the extent of the environmental impact of global warming and how this will affect the polar bears in the North Pole. As the ice caps melt at alarming rate, many scientists believe that the polar bears are in great danger. Some of them even believe that if the deterioration of the ice caps continues, the polar bears may be driven to extinction.

As scientists studying life in the North Pole struggle to save the polar bears, forest rangers and animal associations around the world also struggle to keep wild animals alive. With forest fires breaking out in many parts of the world, wild animals that are living in these areas are displaced. Some these animals die during the fires which lead to severe depletion in their numbers.