
Tips For Indoor Gardening

Indoor gardening is a fun thing and it also adds a touch of nature and hominess to your house. There are many types of indoor gardens available for people. Some consider their plant boxes their gardens in their house while others think indoor gardening pertains to hothouses. While house gardens are fairly natural to most people, hothouses are for those who really love to tend to plants and do not mind the time and effort they spend in their plant house. Let us assume that the readers of this article are interested in indoor gardening for houses or apartments.

Indoor Gardening Can Also Be A Healthy Pursuit

Many people do not have the foggiest idea about how to raise plants when indoor gardening. Having plants grow indoors is important as they help remove carbon dioxide from the air and in turn releases oxygen through a process known as photosynthesis. They also help remove toxins as well as pollutants from the air and one potted plant for every hundred square feet can clean the air of pollutants. Indoor gardening, therefore, is also good for your health.

Indoor Gardening In Your House or Apartment

Indoor gardening in the houses or apartments does not need a lot of time and effort on your part. The two essential things that a plant will need are sunlight and water and these can be dealt with efficiently if you have the know-how of how much water and sun the plants will need. The most responsible thing you can do if you plan on indoor gardening is to first learn which plants are suitable for the indoors or can withstand being indoors most of the time.

Once you have decided which plant you want, you can choose what kind of container you will need for your indoor plant. Putting plants in pots or other containers adds to their versatility to be transferred from one spot to another. This is the advantage of potting a plant whereas, plant boxes will be heavier to lift and transfer.

Now all you have to do to start indoor gardening is to plant your plants. There are certain plants that need extra care awhile others just need watering at least once a day and they are fine. Certain containers for plants are porous so you have to bear in mind the amount of water you will need to water them. Water may seep through and ultimately put a damp spot on your carpet or floor. A plastic container with a platter at the bottom to hold excess water is the right container for indoor gardening.

Plants need sunlight to produce their food. They use a process called photosynthesis to do this. Some plants need constant sunlight to be healthy while others enjoy their time in the shade and do not need a lot of light. To compensate for sunlight, you can use incandescent or fluorescent lights for your plants. Care must be given to the closeness of the lights to the plant because lights generate heat.

Know The Plant Types

One would want to know what type of plants should be chosen that makes for good indoor gardening and one might also be interested in how herb gardens could grow within the confines of a room or home. One should have already done some homework to study how best to undertake indoor gardening and may need to have learnt how much water is required for the plants and how much light is necessary. Getting enough light for the plant means selecting only those plants that will grow in the amount of light available in one's house and consider also throwing in artificial lighting to get more variety.

Another important facet to indoor gardening is to give the plants adequate water and not every plant requires the same amount of watering. In any case, one should wet the soil thoroughly and there should be facility to drain the water from the bottom of the pot. Never over water the plants, which would result in killing off the plants as too much water can cause problems at the very roots of the plant. Also, water the plants with water that is at room temperature to insure that the plants do not get any temperature related shocks.

Besides watering the plants, indoor gardening also means regulating the temperature since different plants thrive under different temperatures. Normally, for indoor gardening, the plants should be kept at a temperature range of between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime and ten to fifteen degrees Fahrenheit at night. These temperatures will suit most plants.

When using your pots to hold your plants, make sure that it can adequately drain out the water and one should also know that different levels of moisture have an effect on how well the plant grows. Also, low humidity may cause a plant to dry up and to prevent this; one may increase humidity when indoor gardening with the help of a humidifier and in winters this is most necessary because heaters will bring down the humidity levels.

Fertilize your plants when indoor gardening and make sure to use the right fertilizer as different plants require different levels and you may also fertilize according to how fast you want the plants to grow as well consider the amount of sunlight that it gets and also, the frequency of watering.