
The Wonder Of Gardening Conifers

Many might not know that 'conifer' is a Latin word which means 'to bear cones'. This phrase is actually, what really describes the noble trees that stand their ground on high hills facing wind, snow and unknown blizzards through out the year. These trees, besides the fact that they all bear cones have another thing in common, i.e. they are evergreen (the large majority of them).

The Dwarf Conifers Is A New Aspect In Gardening Conifers

There has been a good deal of interest generated by these magnificent trees. There was a time when gardening conifers was necessary in any garden because of their beauty and height. However, the recent past has introduced a new past-time, and that is gardening dwarf conifers. These types of trees are small, extremely attractive and easy to grow.

Out of the about 500 conifer species that exist in the world, only about 50-60 are really well known and used in garden and as raw material for bonsai. There has always been a special interest in these trees because of their property of staying green throughout the year. This is also the reason why this tree will definitely be included whenever a miniature garden in constituted.

The plus point in gardening conifers is that they really require very little attention and grow well even with the minimum of care. What they would need though is a lot of water and a lot of manure if they are growing in a container. Often people put together exceptionally beautiful miniature Japanese-style gardens with the help of the dwarf conifers since gardening conifers does not require too much effort or knowledge. These trees seem to grow on their own.

The drawback with the gardening conifers is that these trees grow as at a snail's pace - the maximum that a conifer can grow per year would be some 3-4 inches. At this rate, if you wait to enjoy its shade you will have to plant it when you are still a boy! Jokes apart, taking into consideration the fact they grow so slowly, they make wonderful hedges around the house, or as decorative pieces in your miniature garden.

Among all the conifers that there are, you will find that the false cypress is about the number one on the list of favorites among the whole world. Some of the conifers, such as this false-cypress, Pocono red spruce, Pinis aristata and so on. The most cut-down tree in the world is the Christmas tree. This is 'harvested' every year by the thousands - and considering that they grow very slow, i.e. about 4-5 inches per annum, this could negatively influence the conifer population throughout the world.