
Bottled Drinking Water: Stock Up, You Never Know

Some people balk at those who buy bottled drinking water. Why, they ask, when you can get it right out of your kitchen faucet? Because, the people who buy bottled drinking water say, we want to know what's going into our bodies and you have no idea what's in the water that comes from your tap. It's true, have you ever done a test to see what's in the water that's coming out of your kitchen faucet? Have you ever looked at the water under a microscope. You might find it looks like a colony of sea monkeys floating in the glass you're about to drink from.

Whether there are microbes in the water or not, people who buy bottled drinking water aren't taking any chances. They want to know exactly what's going into their bodies and they're going to regulate this buy buying bottled drinking water, no matter how much they have to spend on it.

Consider The Cost

However, when you consider that one bottle of bottled drinking water costs a dollar, then you could easily find yourself spending fifty dollars or more a month just on bottled water alone. That's a lot of money consider that was probably your cable bill for the month. But when weighed with your cable bill, health outweighs HBO by a long shot.

Buying bottled drinking water doesn't have to be that expensive. You can find great deals on six and twelve packs of bottled drinking water at your local supermarket. Lots of people buy it and the trend isn't going away any time soon.

Another benefit of buying bottled drinking water is that you'll have plenty of water on hand in case of an emergency. You never know when you may not have clean water to drink. For instance, in Houston a few years back, the sewage plant had a backup of sewage into the drinking water supply. People were told not to drink from the faucets and to wash every glass and dish thoroughly. Emergencies happen and it's good to always have clean, fresh drinking water on hand for you to drink in case water is not readily available from the tap.

Most people have no idea what's in the water they drink but some don't want to take the chance, so they'll continue to spend their hard earned money on something they feel very strongly about: bottled drinking water.