
How to Improve the Appearance of Your Teeth With Cosmetic Dental Surgery

Nothing can make you look as unattractive as a set of yellowing, crooked, and unsightly teeth. One of the most effective ways to improve your overall appearance is by getting cosmetic dental surgery. It has far less risk than cosmetic facial surgery and it can make you look far more attractive.

Cosmetic dental surgery improves the appearance of your teeth by straightening, whitening, and changing the shape of them. If you have tooth decay or gum disease, you need to get it treated prior to getting cosmetic dental surgery. Cosmetic treatments look better and last longer if your teeth and gums are healthy and in good condition.


One of the most popular cosmetic dental surgery treatments is tooth whitening. There are a number of different ways to bleach your teeth and lighten their natural shade. You can buy some treatments yourself and do them at home while others have to be done at the dentist's office.

Whitening toothpastes can remove the surface stains on your teeth but they can't alter the actual shade of your teeth. In order to the lighten the shade of your teeth, you need to use a home bleaching kit that consist of a mold for your teeth lined with bleaching gel that contains hydrogen peroxide. For the most dramatic results however, you should go to your dentist's office.

Dentists use laser or power bleaching as cosmetic dental surgery procedures for teeth whitening. They put a rubber seal around your teeth to protect your gums, paint your teeth with a bleaching gel, and point a special bright light at them. Internal bleaching is a more invasive treatment that can be done on teeth that have been root treated, meaning that the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth have been replaced with rubber filling.

To internally bleach your teeth, a dentist will make a hole in your tooth, fill your tooth with a bleaching product, and seal the hole. The whitening effects can last for a few years but the results will vary from person to person and depend on the previous shade of your teeth.


Veneers are another popular cosmetic dental surgery procedure that can be used to cover discoloration or chipped, unsightly teeth. A thin layer or porcelain or another ceramic material can be used to make veneers. Veneers of varying thicknesses can be placed over your teeth in order to give them a straightened appearance. Veneers can last for several years but can also be damaged like your original teeth through chipping and discoloration.

So there you have it. There are many cosmetic dental surgery procedures that can help you improve the appearance of your teeth. If you are concerned about the way your teeth look or you want to improve your overall appearance, cosmetic dental surgery can be very helpful.