
After-Market Carpet Cleaning Machine Parts

When you are happy with the results of using your carpet cleaner, you may shy away from replacing a broken piece of equipment and opt for repairing it. The best place to find carpet cleaning machine parts is from the manufacturer.

By using original equipment manufacturer parts, you can be certain it will fit as it is supposed to and the equipment will work as you're used to it working. Additionally buying original equipment manufacturer carpet cleaning machine parts makes finding the part easier. Most company's offer parts searches online and once you find the right part it can be ordered directly.

There are companies that may offer reduced prices on carpet cleaning machine parts, but they may not be from the original equipment manufacturer. After market carpet cleaning machine parts are usually manufactured to meet size specifications, but in order to sell them cheaper, they may not be made with the same quality assurances.

Certain Parts Don't Affect Performance

Carpet cleaning machine parts such as nozzles, cleaning bags and measuring cups may not have a great affect on the machine's performance and can be purchased from a non-manufacturer with a certain degree of confidence. However if you need a pump or even a solution hose, buying original equipment manufacturer parts may be a better value.

A replacement hose, for example, may be made as an after market item to fit many different machines. While the hose may stand up to the pressures of use, it may not be exactly the correct length. This could lead to it rubbing against moving parts and shorten its expected lifespan. For the more specific carpet cleaning machine parts, it's best to go directly to the manufacturer.

Once you have found the carpet cleaning machine parts to make your machine work like new, you will need to weight the costs of the parts, including shipping charges and the time it will take you to install them against the cost of either a new machine, or taking the unit to an authorized service center for repairs.

It's important that any repairs on a machine, still under warranty, be performed by an authorized service, even if the part is not covered, to keep the manufacturer's warranty active. Installing carpet cleaning machine parts that are not original equipment manufacturer parts may void any warranty you hold. You will also want to compare the cost of repairs as these days equipment may be cheap enough to replace instead of repair.