
Dealing With Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Knee

No type of arthritis is easy to deal with, but you have to know that by thinking positive and using the right treatment methods, you will be able to find relief of your pain and live as normal a life as possible. Now there are over one hundred different types of arthritis that a person can be diagnosed with, but one of the most common is rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis can occur in almost any area of the body, but it is often the knee and so you will have to do knee arthritis exercises and other treatments in order to find relief of your pain. If it is rheumatoid arthritis of the knee that you are dealing with, here are the steps that will help you find success with your treatment plan.


First and foremost sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee should know that there are two major options they have here: non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment. It really all depends on your personal preference, although in some cases, namely those which are extremely advanced, you may not have a choice.

Now if you have rheumatoid arthritis of the knee and would rather stick to non-surgical treatments at least for now, lifestyle modification is going to be one of the most important steps here. This can include anything from losing weight, eating better, and even the littlest amount of weight loss can really have a dramatic effect on your condition.

Also important if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the knee is exercise. You should be exercising on a regular basis, in at least some way or another and don't use being too busy as an excuse. Most people today are busy working professionals but even in the office there are ways to exercise and stay in shape.

When it comes to the surgical treatments that are available for rheumatoid arthritis of the knee, these are usually only an option if your rheumatoid arthritis is particularly severe. There are a number of surgical options that can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis of the knee, including arthroscopic surgery which uses fiber optic technology to enable the surgeon to see inside of the joint and clean it if necessary, and cartilage grafting which is possible for some knees with limited or contained cartilage loss from trauma or arthritis.

Work with your doctor to find the appropriate treatment plan for you, dependent on your own situation and personal preferences.