
Finding Arthritis Relief

If you are one of the many people who suffer from arthritis, chances are you are searching for some sort of arthritis relief. Arthritis is painful and often times is a debilitating condition. People who suffer from arthritis want, and need, relief. There are several different ways that you can get arthritis relief, from natural arthritis relief remedies to medicated arthritis relief.

Medical Options

In some cases, your arthritis may be caused by something like two joints rubbing together. For example, this is common among people who have bunions. While nothing can get rid of arthritis when you have it, a surgery to fix the problem can stop more arthritis from forming. With the bunion example, a bunionectomy can remove the bunion and stop the joints from rubbing together and causing more arthritis. This is one medical form of arthritis relief.

Another medical form of arthritis relief is medicine. If your arthritis is bad, you should not feel guilty for needing to take pain killers. Many over the counter pain killers like Aleve and Bayer Asprin work wonders in keeping the arthritis symptoms at bay. However, these pills will only mask the appearance of symptoms and will not cure your arthritis.

Natural Arthritis Relief

If you do not like the idea of surgery or popping pills for your pain, you can always try the all natural route. Make sure that you talk to your doctor before embarking on any holistic medicine journey for your arthritis relief to confirm that you are healthy enough to do so.

There are many different forms of natural arthritis relief. One popular form is acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal art that relieves pressure in the body. People swear by acupuncture for getting arthritis relief. The best thing about it is that if it does not work, there is no harm done. This is unlike the traditional medical community. If you take a pill and it does not work, you still never know what it did inside of your body!

Another great natural form of arthritis relief is massage. Massage can keep you from getting tense and it can also keep ligaments and tendons taunt and where they should be so that bones stay properly aligned. In addition to massage, if your arthritis is caused by misaligned bones or joints, you should see a chiropractor to have that fixed. It could give you some arthritis relief!

Other Choices

Water therapy - If you think this is regarding drinking water, you are mistaken. This arthritis relief involves an aerobic type of class but carried inside a pool, immersed in water. Since your weight is taken care of by the water, you will be able to do all of the movements required with ease and grace.

Pain killer/ anti-inflammatory medication - There will be times when the pain would be intolerable and nothing you do can diminish it. In that case, you will be required to make a bee line to the doctor and ask him for appropriate medication. Avoid as much as possible any type of steroids; other than that use the medicine that the doctor prescribed you as SOS arthritis relief whenever the pain becomes too bad.

Apply heat - the use of a heat compress has been an age old remedy for pain. Here too, the use of concentrated infra-red rays, hot water bottles, sauna baths or hot baths offers a good measure of relief for the pain felt. Though the arthritis relief gained through this process is temporary, you will find that heat simply takes away the pain as if by magic.

Life-long partnership with the doctor - whenever you require, you can go for the over-the counter medicines. However, ensure that you do not overdose yourself. When you are in doubt, visit your doctor and explain to him/her all the symptoms and problems that you are encountering. There are alternative medicines that even doctors agree to. Some doctors gladly prescribe the alternative medicine/ therapy, since it offers a little more than the modern medicine can offer - a longer arthritis relief.

Walking is one of the simplest, yet most effective methods to control the pain for arthritis relief. For those who do not have a proper place or scope for walking, you could use a tread mill inside the house for the same purpose.

Maybe arthritis does not have a cure, but for relief you definitely have plenty of choices. Choose the one that suits you the best, and take the doctor's advice at regular intervals. You will definitely maintain your good health in spite of being affected by arthritis.