
Exploring Aromatherapy Scents

Aromatherapy has been used for over 60000 years. Ancient Egyptians, along with Greeks and Romans used aromatherapy scents in their baths, for massage and even in the embalming process. Studies have shown that scents made from essential oils, have an effect on the brain and body.

Most people have their own personnel experiences to relate to how a specific smell brings back a sensory memory. Maybe it's the lavender perfume grandma use to wear or the warm inviting smell of baking cookies. Aromatherapy uses this same effect to help with many health issues. Certain aromatherapy scents can trigger reactions within the body, causing the body to become relaxed, alert, and even help with pain management.

Aromatherapy Scents And Their Use

Essential oils are used alone or in combination with each other to create specific scents to be used for a variety of reasons. Scientists have conducted studies by using aromatherapy scents on mice to evaluate if there is a response. It was noticed that certain scents like, lavender and sandalwood helped calm agitated mice.

Aromatherapy scents are useful and they cover a wide array of conditions. For example Clary Sage, that contains a scent that has a warm, soothing smell, can help with conditions like muscular aches and pains, asthma, throat infections and colic among others. Eucalyptus is used for rheumatoid arthritis, colds, and flu and skin conditions. Geranium is one of the aromatherapy scents that have a soothing, relaxing scent; another is, Petitgrain.

Both of these aromatherapy scents help with skin problems including acne, bruises, broken capillaries and many more. Lavender is one of the aromatherapy scents with the widest range of usefulness. It can be used in nervous disorders, depression, shock, skin problems, insect bites, sprains, asthma, sunburns, flu and many more. Additional useful scents include Jasmine, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea Tree and Ylang Ylang. There are more, but these aromatherapy scents are some of the most important basic scents needed.

Historically, aromatherapy scents have been successfully used to help cure ailments, induce relaxation, and assist patients become healthier in body and spirit. Today, certain aromatherapy scents are being used in commercial application. Studies have shown that when a Lavender scent was gently used with senior patients, they began having less difficulty falling asleep, and many stopped needing sleeping pills. Japanese research has concluded that when certain scents, Lavender, Jasmine and Lemon, mistakes in keyboard typing were dramatically reduced. The Lemon scent caused the biggest drop in mistakes, they went down 54%. Discovering the mind, body and scent connection can lead towards a new path in wellness.