
Making Aromatherapy Herbal Candles

Aromatherapy is a popular holistic method, using different scents to stimulate healing, stress relief, help with sleep disorders and even behavior modifications. Aromatherapy has been in practice for over 6000 years. Scientists are experimenting with this amazing scent-mind connection, and how it works.

When using what are considered essential oils in a variety of mediums, the body responds to these scents in a positive manner. The mind can become sharper, fewer mistakes are made while typing or sleep can finally be achieved. Companies are now even using particular calming scents in their offices, elevators and even doctor's offices are using them in their waiting rooms.

Aromatherapy Herbal Candles A Good Way To Use Essential Oils

There are basic oils that are used in many aromatherapy applications. The process to distribute the scent can vary. Aromatherapy herbal candles provide a pleasant way to let the scents drift through out an environment. Aromatherapy herbal candles can be easy to make with the correct equipment. One very simple method to create your own personnel aromatherapy herbal candles is by placing several drops of the oil on the candle wick.

By burning the candle the benefits of an aromatherapy herbal candle can be achieved. A very popular and one of the most useful oils is the lavender scent. This soothing scent can aid in sleeping an overall sense of calm can be achieved by using a lavender aromatherapy candle. During the winter and into the spring, colds and allergies can become an issue. Try using eucalyptus oil; it is known for its ability to help with sinus congestion. Aromatherapy herbal candles made with several drops of eucalyptus on the wick can help freshen up the stale winter air in a home.

Aromatherapy Herbal Candles Can Be Hand Made

Some people enjoy the art of candle making. Aromatherapy herbal candles can be made like any other candle. Molds made are needed if pillar candles are going to be made. Beeswax or paraffin wax is needed to create the actual candle. Making your own personnel candles is easy, just add several drops of particular oil to the material and an aromatherapy candle is made. Jar candles are another delightful idea, and can also be made into aromatherapy herbal candles. Again, it is just a matter of adding several drops of an essential oil to create a candle that is lovely and smells great too.

Essential oils for aromatherapy herbal candles can be purchased on-line or at whole foods stores. The oils needed for aromatherapy come in many different scents including, vanilla, jasmine, ylang ylang, peppermint, lemon balm, lavender and many more. Making aromatherapy candles can be fun and also offer the side benefit of improved health.