
In Search Of An Attention Deficit Disorder Cure

If you or your child suffers from attention deficit disorder, then you are probably aware that there is currently no attention deficit disorder cure. But that hasn't stopped scientists and researchers from attempting to find one. Attention deficit disorder is a poorly understood condition; and it has become entirely too common for many psychologists and counselors to misdiagnose this condition in many children who are merely normal, active children.

Even though there is currently no attention deficit disorder cure, there are a great many things that you can do to help your child if he or she has attention deficit disorder. Things that will help him or her to be better able to focus on simple day to day tasks, as well as to help them focus better in school.


Even though there is no attention deficit disorder cure, there are a number of medications that are currently being prescribed in an attempt to help alleviate the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. These drugs include Ritalin and Adderall; and there is some debate as to how much these drugs actually help children with attention deficit disorder.

Until there is an attention deficit disorder cure, doctors and psychiatrists will probably continue to prescribe these drugs in an effort to help dampen the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. Whether or not these drugs will work for you or your child can only be decided after carefully monitored use. It may be that these drugs will not work for you or your child; but until there is an attention deficit disorder cure, they may be your best option.

Weighted Aides

Until there is an attention deficit disorder cure, there are still yet other things that you can do in an effort to help alleviate the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. There are many companies now offering weighted items that place pressure on certain points of the body, and supposedly help you or your child suffering with the disorder to better focus on the task at hand.

Many schools use these weighted items, such as vests and lap blankets, in an effort to help children with attention deficit disorder to focus on their schoolwork. Unfortunately, these items do not work for every child. But they are at least another option besides drugs that parents can use to help their children until an attention deficit disorder cure can be found.

If your child is suffering from attention deficit disorder, there are a great many support groups for parents where you can get advice for others who are dealing with children with this disorder. Until an attention deficit disorder cure can be found, these support groups offer real solutions that may work for you and your child.