
Diagnosing and Treating Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder in Children

While attention deficit hypertension disorder may seem like a new issue to many parents today, this disorder was actually described back in 1845 by Dr. Heinrich Hoffman. Dr. Hoffman wrote a book of poems for his three-year old son that talked about different types of children and their characteristics. One of the children in the book, Fidgety Phillip, described a child who had attention deficit hypertension disorder. In 1902, Sir George F. Still also described the disorder in a collection of lectures to the Royal College of Physicians in England. In these papers, he described children with these symptoms as suffering from a genetic dysfunction instead of poor child rearing practices, which is how attention deficit hypertension disorder is considered today. Modern times have seen greater knowledge in diagnosing and treating this disorder, allowing many kids to live relatively normal lives with options for dealing with the challenges of ADHD.


The symptoms of attention deficit hypertension disorder are only part of the diagnosis process for this disorder. Once symptoms are identified, the intensity of those signs must also be assessed. Symptoms for attention deficit hypertension disorder include impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity. Since many young children may have one or more of these symptoms to some degree without actually having attention deficit hypertension disorder, it is best to have your child evaluated by a medical profession. This can be a psychiatrist, psychologist or your family doctor. When these symptoms become intense enough to affect daily life in school, at home or on the playground, your child may be diagnosed with the disorder. Sometimes teachers are actually the first to see a sign of a problem, since attention deficit hypertension disorder may not become visible until a child is struggling at school. If your child's teacher does voice a concern about possible symptoms, it is best to visit with a medical professional to get an accurate diagnosis.


Treatment of attention deficit hypertension disorder can encompass a number of different approaches, and the effectiveness of each method will depend on your child and what works best for him. Often, the best form of treatment is a combination of medication and behavior therapy that will teach your child valuable coping skills. You can seek treatment from a psychiatrist, psychologist, family doctor or even a social worker. The key is in finding a person that your child feels comfortable with and that has experience working with attention deficit hypertension disorder patients. With proper treatment, your child can learn to overcome the challenges that his disorder poses.