
The Most Common Melanoma Symptoms Are Changes In Size Of Moles, And Discoloration As Well

You can be sure that there is danger of your being at risk from melanoma when you notice an existing mole changing its size and shape as well as color and it begins to feel different as well, and you can also be sure that melanoma symptoms are appearing when you notice black and also blue-black areas on your skin, and it can even appear in the form of a new mole.

ABCD Symptoms

In addition, there are the ABCD melanoma symptoms which includes Asymmetry in which one half of the shape does not match with the other half, Border or when edges are mostly notched, ragged or blurred and even irregular in their outline, and pigment could affect the surrounding parts of the skin, Color in which the skin color is seen to be uneven, and finally, Diameter which shows an increase and is larger in size than what a pencil's eraser size is.

There are also other things to look for in melanoma symptoms because melanomas often differ in their appearance and though they may show all of the ABCD symptoms, some may even show just one or two of the ABCD symptoms. Other possible melanoma symptoms include when, in an early stage, the mole on your skin may begin to slowly change and there may be fine scales that were not present before, and the mole may also begin to cause itching, which is also sure to be symptomatic of melanoma as well.

There are also different melanoma symptoms in the case of advanced melanoma in which the mole's texture may begin to change and it is often the case that the mole may become lumpy, or even harden, and it is usual for such moles to feel different from your other regular moles, and there is also itching, oozing as well as even bleeding in the case of advanced tumors.

However, not all unusual moles need be cancerous and it is possible for normal people to also have a number of moles that can be either raised or flat and these are known to grow for some time and then disappear, and you should also be aware that things such as birthmarks, moles, skin cancer and vulva cancer which are alternative conditions may or may not be melanoma symptoms.

To be sure that you actually have melanoma symptoms, you may want to undertake tests such as a physical examination, skin examination or skin biopsy. In case your doctor feels that you may have melanoma, you would generally be advised undergoing biopsy to determine whether these are indeed melanoma symptoms, and in addition, depending on the thickness of the tumor, your doctor may require you to have chest x-rays undertaken, have blood tested and even have the liver and bones as well as brain scanned.