
Understanding About The Different Types Of Roses

When it comes to the matter of roses, there are so many different types to learn about that it can often get rather difficult and frustrating trying to learn about each and every one. As well you may wonder why you should even learn about the different types of roses to begin with however there are many good reasons for this.

Why You Should Learn About The Different Types Of Roses

There are many different reasons as to why you should learn about the different types of roses, and one of the most major reasons is so that you can maintain each different kind properly if you were to plant them in your garden.

After all, each different type of rose needs to be planted and maintained in a different way, and so if you want your roses to strive and be as beautiful and healthy as they can be, then you are thus obviously going to have to learn about all of the different types of roses that are out there.

The Different Types Of Roses

There are many different rose families that you have to choose from, with some of the most popular being: hybrid tea roses, floribundas, shrub roses, ground cover roses, and climbers. Then, each of these rose types has its own rose types within it.

The hybrid tea roses are tall and long-stemmed roses that are ideal for cutting, and they are typically the Valentine's Day flowers that you see at the florists. These flowers are usually borne singly, rather than in clusters.

Floribundas are roses that actually have only developed in the last century, and these roses have large showy blossoms and bloom more freely than other roses, and as well, they are incredibly versatile roses, as an individual shrub will easily fit into almost any sunny border planting.

With the shrub roses, these are ones which are considered to have changed the way that people view roses, in that they are impressive for many different reasons, including the fact that they have a natural disease-resistance, a willingness to grow in a variety of climates with minimum attention and care, and they have an incredibly compact growth habit.

The ground cover roses are low growing roses which tend to cascade over walls or act as ground covers in perennial gardens, and most will only grow 1 to 2 feet tall while spreading 3 to 4 feet wide.

Finally, with the climbers, these roses produce incredibly long canes that can be trained to a trellis, fence, or other support, and you can grow them up and over an arching trellis in order to make a striking entranceway, if you wish.