
Baby Parrot Information: What you Need to Know

The larger parrot breeds can have the same life expectancy as a human, so the baby years are very important for teaching the bird to trust people, to bond with the family and to learn the rules of its home. As with a human baby, prepare the home before bringing the baby into the house.

A good piece of parrot information is to place the cage in the corner of the room so that the baby feels safe. A young parrot needs a bit more warmth than a parrot over the age of a year, so keep it in a room that will be at least 68 degrees.

Specific Needs

While general parrot information is good for all baby parrots, be sure to get the specific parrot information for the baby's breed. Food needs, bedding, and socializing can differ from one breed to another. Also get the parrot information on what to expect from the baby. If you know how colorful it will get, how much it will enjoy playing with people and how well it may talk, you will not have unreasonable expectations. No one wants to be disappointed in their baby.

Baby parrots will like being handled a bit from the time they are a few days old. Some breeds love human attention, kissing and petting. Others are more aloof but bond to one or two people. Hand feed the parrot, pet it gently and the parrot information says that your baby will be as affectionate as its genes will allow. Never frighten the parrot or it will be confused by your approach. Shy or frightened parrots will not learn to speak well.

While the parrot is small, be careful of its feeding. If a change in diet is called for, do it gradually to avoid upsetting its little tummy. Watch the food intake and droppings. Even though the accepted parrot information is that they don't really start talking until after their first birthday, talk to your parrot so it knows your voice and learns to understand a few words even if it can't repeat them yet.

When you start hearing noises that sound like words, repeat the words so the parrot can hear them pronounced correctly. Like all babies, parrots need their nap time. Don't be surprised if your little nods off during the day. Decide how to handle night times at the beginning. Will you cover the cage? Just turn off the lights? Leave a night light? Whatever you decide, make it consistent down to the same time each night. With the proper parrot information and care, you can raise a baby parrot into a loving, life-long companion.