
Consider Growing Your Own Organic Vitamins and Herbs!

Organic vitamins and herbs are all the rage right now with those who are concerned about their health. Organic herbs and vitamins are those that are grown without the use of chemicals, either pesticides or non-organic fertilizers. They are free from harmful side effects associated with such materials, and you can grow your own organic vitamins and herbs right in your own garden!

Why Should You Choose Organic?

Perhaps you are wondering what all the fuss is about organic vitamins and herbs. When you grow organic foods in your garden, you can partake of their bounty without washing the food. For example, if you want to taste your onion plant, you can break off a stem and take a bite! There is no need to wash off harmful chemicals first!

Also, when you are growing these plants, you do not have to wear gloves when handling chemicals, because there are no dangerous chemicals involved with organic growing! There are more vitamins in those foods grown organically, and many feel that they taste better. Also, the environment is protected when you do not place those harmful toxic chemicals in it.

Why Grow Organic Yourself?

There are many reasons to delve into the world of organic vitamin and herb gardening. First, there are many physical and emotional rewards around growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Not only do you get physical exercise, but you also reap the psychological benefit of seeing fruit from your labor.

Another reason to consider consuming organic vitamins and herbs that you grow yourself is the cost involved. There is no denying the fact that organic foods in the grocery store are expensive. Also, because organic foods are not treated with the harmful chemicals that you are trying to avoid, they do not ship as nicely as non-organic food. This is why the organic food looks less appetizing than the organic. When you grow it yourself, you can eat healthy organic vitamins and herbs that never need to see the inside of a shipping container. There is far less cost involved as well.

Is It Hard?

Organic gardening is not hard; in fact, it is little different than standard gardening. The main difference is organic gardening uses no pesticides and chemical fertilizer. For example, if you find your organic vitamin and herb plants are infested with a pest, instead of spraying them with chemicals, you introduce another bug that eats the pest, such as ladybugs to eat aphids. Another aspect of organic gardening is keeping the pests away in the first place. The result is a healthy product you can be proud and confident to feed to your family.