
Beating Cancer With Nutrition - The Amazing Strength Of Broccoli

Nutrition has always played an important role on the health of human beings. You can control almost everything with the right nutrition, even cancer. It is a well known fact that certain food has certain impact on us - such as citrus fruits which contain Vitamin C and hence prevents cold, grapes are excellent anti-oxidants and thence their consumption prevents aging and heart problems, nuts and almonds improve memory, pomegranates improve the hemoglobin in the blood, and the list carries on.

It is also possible to make use of these vegetables, fruits and/or herbs to fight against terminal diseases. For example, it has been found that it is possible to prevent and even beat cancer with nutrition today.

Broccoli Can Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a highly dreaded disease. Unfortunately, it is also a disease which is very much a reality in today's modern life, because of so many factors that humans impose on themselves, such as pollution, chemicals ingestion through adulterated foods, use of excess cosmetics, smoking, passive smoking, excess exposure to ultra-violet radiation, and so on. Each of these factors court diseases such as cancer every day.

There are millions of dollars spent on research for finding cures and prevention methods of cancer. At the same time modern medicine has long since acknowledged the healing powers of herbs in the plant kingdom in this regard. There are many vegetables, fruits and herbs which indeed make for excellent preventives, and in some cases even cure/reverses cancer.

It is possible today to beat cancer with nutrition. There are many herbs, vegetables and fruits which have potent ingredients to fight cancer. One among these is broccoli. This vegetable, which is shunned by many as tasteless must-have-for-good-health vegetable is actually a wonder weapon. Beating cancer with nutrition becomes a reality with this vegetable. This is because it contains active cancer-fighting phytochemicals.

Besides beating cancer with nutrition, broccoli also is able improve cardio-vascular disorders, digestion and prevent aging. It is a powerful healer and at the same time helps in preventing many types of cancer. Broccoli contains sulphoraphane which an extremely powerful and potent anti-oxidant. This particular ingredient alone is able to prevent cancer of mouth, colon, lungs, larynx, prostate and the esophagus.

Beating cancer with nutrition is easy if you have a minimum of one half cup of broccoli every day. The sulphoraphane deactivates the cancer-promoting oestrogen, called 16 alphahydroxyestrone and thereby pevents cancer of ovaries, breast and cervix. It also contains beta and alphacarotens with the help of which it prevents and even reverses lung cancer.