
Organic Baby Clothes: Making Your Baby's First Steps Greener

One of the best ways to lessen your new baby's ecological footprint is by purchasing organic baby clothes. Here's some food for thought. To make enough cotton for one t-shirt, it is said that conventional farming requires the use of 1/3 pound of pesticides and fertilizers.

The ecological impact of growing cotton is huge. It is believed that conventionally grown cotton crops use up around 25% of the insecticides and 10% of the pesticides used in the world! The use of pesticides and insecticides pollutes our water supply and contributes to soil erosion. On the other hand, organic farming has little impact on the environment and actually replenishes the soil.

Another problem with standard cotton baby clothes is the work conditions of the farmers and factory workers. If you want to buy clothing that supports justice, fair wages, and safety for all workers, you should consider buying fair trade organic baby clothes.

Then there are the benefits for your baby. Babies' skin is more porous and thin than that of adults. In sum, their skin absorbs chemicals much more easily and it is less resistant to harmful substances. Babies are at greater risk of developing pesticide related health problems. In order to protect your child from illness, buying him or her organic baby clothes is a good choice.

Organic Baby Clothes: A Cheaper Choice?

Many parents may be reluctant initially to purchase organic baby clothes because of their seemingly high cost. Sure, you will have to invest more initially to buy your baby organic clothes but in the end you will spend less money. You will get more bang for your buck because organic cotton lasts for 100 washes or more. On the other hand, conventionally grown cotton starts breaking down after 10-20 washes.

One of the first steps you can take towards living naturally is buying organic baby clothes. We are exposed to a vast number of contaminants in our daily lives and one of the few ways we can lessen our children's exposure to these toxins is by buying our children organic clothing. Organic cotton also feels better on the skin. It is softer and won't irritate your baby's sensitive skin. It is especially a good idea to buy your child organic baby clothes if he is susceptible to allergies.

Do yourself a favor and start shopping around for organic baby clothes. Whether you are looking for baby girl clothes or boy clothes, the availability and options when it comes to organic clothing are becoming more varied. If you want to protect the environment, limit your child's exposure to toxins in daily life, and help support a fair and equal global economy, organic baby clothes are the way to go.