
Is It Possible To Learn Conversational Spanish Online

Learning basic Spanish phrases online is a very common practice. You simply look up the phrases you want to learn and then you memorize them. However, learning phrases is much different than learning conversational Spanish online. Learning conversational Spanish online means being able to carry on entire conversations with a Spanish speaking person. You need to not only learn how to recognize certain words but you must also become familiar enough with Spanish to be able to fire back responses. You can learn conversational Spanish online but the site you use must have certain tools if you hope to become fluent.


Learning basic Spanish online is ok because you will be learning only basic vocabulary words. You can learn the spelling this way and you can also get a basic feel for how the language is constructed. The problem with learning conversational Spanish online, however, is that you need to hear how the words are spoken so that you can get the accents down. You need to learn the accents both in the written forms of the words as well as the spoken. If the site you use doesn't allow you to actually hear the words spoken, you really won't be able to learn conversational Spanish online effectively.

Talking Back

It's not enough just to hear the words spoken. You also need to practice actually speaking the words so that you can make sure you're learning conversational Spanish online correctly. That's where an actual teacher or tutor comes in handy; they can hear you speak and then correct you if you say something incorrectly. If you're good at self teaching, then you may be able to tell if you're not saying things right, but most of the time you need an external opinion. Free sites may not have the ability to allow you to speak to the computer. These are usually reserved for expensive software programs such as the Rosetta stone. You can still learn conversational Spanish online, but you really don't know if you're speaking correctly unless the site can analyze your speaking ability or unless you have an actual Spanish speaking teacher.

If you're good at teaching yourself and you have the basics down, you should be able to learn conversational Spanish online but you'll do much better if you have an actual teacher or a program that allows you to interact more while you're teaching. That's the only way to really become fluent in any language.