
So You Want To Be A Superstar? Why Not Learn Guitar Solo?

If you have been taking guitar lessons for a long time, then perhaps it is time to consider taking the time to learn guitar solo. When you learn guitar solo, you will be taking an important step in becoming a better guitar player. Perhaps you will even be that much closer to becoming a famous guitar player—many great guitarists have become even more will known after they took the time to learn guitar solo. Many of the famous guitarists who have taken the time to learn guitar solo have been rock guitarists. These guitarists have come to be well known for their solos. Some might even say that because they learn guitar solo, they became major influences on rock music to this very day. Let's examine the history of guitar solos—who knows; maybe you will be inspired to learn guitar solo of your own.

What Is A Guitar Solo?

You may be wondering what exactly a guitar solo is. Well, a guitar solo is when the guitar can be heard more prominently than the other instruments in the band or orchestra and when there is no vocal accompaniment. Sometimes, the guitar is played alone, with out any additional instruments. A guitar solo that is completely unaccompanied is common in classical guitar music. Guitar solos have been used in music since the Baroque period. The guitar solo is prominent is jazz music, blues music, classical music, folk music, and rock music.

Rock Guitar Solos

One of the most common types of guitar solos is a rock guitar solo. While an electric guitar is most commonly used to play a rock guitar solo, an acoustic guitar is more commonly used in other types of solos, such as classical and folk guitar solos. When a skilled guitarist performs a rock guitar solo, they use an electric guitar along with a technique known as distortion. Often time, in a band, the lead guitarist will perform a solo and the rhythm guitarist will play and accompanying rhythm. Frequently, the rock guitar solo falls between the second solo and the third verse, although this is not always the case.

During the 1980s, the use of a guitar solo in heavy metal rock music became common. An example of this is the guitar solo in "Fade to Black," by the heavy metal 1980s band, Metallica. A guitar solo is quite pleasing to the ear. You are sure to impress all your listeners with your new skills.