
Kitchen Appliance Manufacturers Also Supply Private Label Brands

Consumers looking to buy products from a specific source, finding the kitchen appliance manufacturers should be an easy exercise. However, with many store branded items, finding the source of the brand can be a little harder. It is common practice for some of the bigger kitchen appliance manufacturers to also produce items of lesser quality, slap them in a box with a store's name on it and have it sold through that store only at a reduced price.

This practice is not limited to kitchen appliance manufacturers as many industries have found a lucrative market for additional income by producing products for private label sales. Electronics, lawn and garden equipment and many food and cosmetic items being sold by discount stores, among others, are produced by many of the same companies that supply the name brand products.

Most items purchased with a private label name that include a warranty can be serviced through the usually toll-free phone number. Taking it to a repair shop can be tricky, if the service technician is unable to determine the original kitchen appliance manufacturers' name. However, many of the store brand products are brought in to be what the retail industry calls loss-leaders, most of them are considered throw away items. It is often cheaper to replace it than pay to have it repaired once the warranty expires.

Major Brands Participate In Store Brand Products

When store brands began to pop up in the 1960s, answering the need for cheaper products to get customers in the door, they were often considered generic items, offering no brand, especially with food items. A white background with black and yellow lettering showing the content was common, and typically, the quality was sub-par on most items.

With the items produced for private label sales by many kitchen appliance manufacturers the containers are usually informative and appearing as though the retailer may have its own source for the product. There are some products that may be sold under one store brand name that are actually sourced from different kitchen appliance manufacturers to be sold in different areas of the country and in some cases, globally.

For true value of a product, buying the brand name from original kitchen appliance manufacturers insures the item is made following the specifications of the company and not from specifications allowing it to manufacture a look-alike product, package it under a different name and sell it at a huge discount.