
There Is Such A Thing As Heartburn Prevention

Some people can get heartburn just by drinking milk. Then some people can eat an entire Mexican buffet and never even belch. To the former, there is hope and cheap, easy things you can do to prevent heartburn attacks. To the latter group, pay attention; at the rate you're going, you'll be wise to learn some heartburn prevention tips.

Eat Smaller Meals

Your stomach acid might get hyperactive when you eat a full meal. Also, your stomach muscles might have become a bit loose over the years. If you eat four to six smaller meals instead of the American tradition of three solid meals and a few snacks, you will maintain a valuable heartburn prevention habit.

Sit Up For At Least Two Hours After Your Last Meal

No matter if it was a snack or a late dinner, your body needs time to work on your food. Give it the time. Remember when your elders nagged you about your posture? Sadly, they were right. Sitting up straight greatly helps your body digest its food. Some people have to sit up for at least an hour after their last drink. Avoid bending over soon after eating or drinking. Letting gravity work for you is part of sensible heartburn prevention.

Stop Smoking

Yes, I know everyone is on your back for smoking. But frequent heartburn can be an indication that your body just can't tolerate smoking anymore. After years, smoking will irritate your stomach lining; lower your appetite and making your stomach muscles sag. My Mom quit cold turkey forty years ago BEFORE the advent of over the counter smoking gum and patches. If she could do it, so can you.

Stop Drinking

This is another drug you don't need in large quantities. Cutting back or, better yet, cutting out alcohol altogether is not only sound heartburn prevention. Alcohol stimulates the production of stomach acid, which your saggy stomach is having a hard enough time holding in place. Don't make your stomach's hard job any harder by over indulging in drinking. Even if you are "only" drinking sherry, water it down.

Elevate Your Head When Sleeping

Keeping your head elevated a few inches helps keep your stomach acid in place. If you keep slipping into a flat position in the deep relaxation of sleep, consider buying a special elevated pillow that is made for heartburn prevention. The pillow keeps your head in place all night.