
Nandi Incense Mixes Sweet Flowers And Spices

Finding the sweet floral aroma perfectly mixed with the right spices made by Nandi incense is sometimes hard to do. The aromatic richness of their products is pleasing to nearly everyone and the assortment can provide the best available in incense of all types as well as essential oils and aromatherapy candles.

The use of Nandi incense, manufactured by B. V. Aswathia and Brothers Company, India, offers some of the most penetrating aromas on the market. Whether in the form of incense sticks, cone incense, charcoal or fresh essential oils for incense burning with charcoal, the assortment can be used in different methods to saturate the air inside the home with its pleasing scent. With the art of making incense spanning thousands of years, the artisan of Nandi incense still combined the dry ingredients the same way they did hundreds of years ago.

Mixing the dry compounds with a stable, non-aromatic base insures the user can appreciate the odor of the spice mix, without the interference of the bonding agent. Properly blended, perfectly mixed compounds of Nandi incense can provide a burn time of about 30 to 45 minutes in stick form. Longer times are available with thicker or longer sticks, as well as in larger cone sizes.

Experience And Quality Ingredients Make Better Aroma

When making incense, strict adherence to formulas is needed to provide consistency along the length of the incense stick or throughout the cone. It also assures that each batch of Nandi incense will provide the same aroma from day to day as well as year to year. Sticking with the same formula helps insure the correct amount of aromatic ingredient is mixed with the right amount of bonding materials to ensure a quality burn.

The company is not limited to making incense specific to one country. While Indian incense may be a popular seller for Nandi incense, they also produce popular scents in the styles of Japan, OM and Himalaya. Each country has its own unique style of making incense as well as fragrances unique to that country and Nandi incense is capable of producing virtually all of them.

The company also carries a wide variety of incense burners for sticks, cones and charcoal and they can also supply the resin bricks for burning with essential oils. Dipping so-called charcoal blanks into perfumes and oils with a bonding agent, provide charcoal stick incense that provides some of the best, as well as fast disbursing, incense found.