
Maintain Your Hot Tub Parts

A hot tub is one of the easiest appliances to keep and maintain; there really is very little work involved in it. However, there are just a few steps you need to keep in mind in order to maintain your hot tub parts, and we'll cover those basics here.

Obviously the acrylic lining of your spa needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. There are many non-abrasive cleansers that are available from your retailer; be sure to use the appropriate product as this is one of the hot tub parts that is most difficult to replace if it's damaged. Of course, the best way of maintaining it is to be careful not to damage it in the first place. Don't wear shoes, even pool shoes, in your hot tub and don't bring toys or other items into it as well.

The filter is another one of the hot tub parts that needs a regular cleaning. Depending on how often you use your spa and how dirty and clogged the filter gets, you can usually just rinse it with a garden hose once per week, or even less. Like other hot tub parts, your filter is something that you should clean more than you think is necessary, not less. You don't need to rinse it after every use, but check it often just to be sure.

The heating element of your hot tub may also need some maintenance, depending on what type it is. Many hot tub parts need nothing more than a quick check once a month or so, and your heating element is probably about the same. Check your manufacturer's or retailer's guidelines to be sure. It may also need to kept from direct sunlight and simply sponged down on a regular basis.

The water in your spa may not technically be considered one of your hot tub parts, but it too needs to be maintained. Drain your tub periodically and consider using a water treatment system, also available from your retailer. Usually just a few drops of a certain mix will keep your water fresh and algae free.

With just a few minutes of your attention here and there toward your major hot tub parts, you'll find that your home spa will last for many years to come, and you'll be able to protect your investment wisely. And if you have any questions about any of your hot tub parts, don't hesitate to contact your retailer.