
Preparing For A Home School Kindergarten

Parents with four and five year old children must prepare for the children to enter school. Kindergarten in public school usually begins when the child is five years old.

Kindergarten is a critical year for learning but should be a fun year for the child introducing school as an enjoyable experience. Some parents worry about the readiness of their child for school. Having a home school kindergarten is a way for the parents and the child to have more time at home while addressing the critical subjects introduced in kindergarten.

A home school kindergarten is easily prepared for. A commitment of time and monetary resources is required, though. Time will be needed for preparation of materials and a learning area in the home and, although a home school kindergarten does not have to be an expensive endeavor, it will require some money for basic materials and curriculum supplies.

Planning the budget for the home school kindergarten should be one of the first steps taken by the parent. Once the budget is prepared other steps in the preparation can fall in place.

Key Steps In Preparation For A Home School Kindergarten

The home school kindergarten curriculum needs to be looked at during the initial planning. There are many home school curriculums available that have been carefully designed for the ease of teaching by the parents. These curriculums can be costly.

Another way to plan a curriculum is to research what key subjects are taught in kindergarten and develop a home curriculum using a variety of materials. The benefit of this is that the parent can design the curriculum with the child in mind allowing for learning strengths and weaknesses.

Once the curriculum is chosen, a parent needs to find a specific place in the home where home school kindergarten can be taught. There needs to be room for posters, a chalk board or dry erase board, a table for crafts and a table or desk to work at. Designing this area will enforce the importance of school for the child.

Once the curriculum and work place are chosen the parents need to purchase supplies needed and get the home school kindergarten scheduled. A parent should review the laws where they reside for requirements of time for the school days and for other important laws.

Being compliant with these laws will facilitate a better relationship with the public school officials. The home school kindergarten can be a rewarding experience for both the child and the parent with careful preparation and commitment.