
Search For Homeopathic Cure And Hair Loss Treatment Continues

There are millions of people suffering from alopecia androgenetica; a problem of hair loss that most research indicates is a genetic problem. In most cases if the men or women in the family lost their hair, odds are good their children will also lose their hair. There are numerous contributing causes to hair loss in addition to genetics, most attributed to hormonal changes and finding a homeopathic cure and hair loss treatment to prevent baldness is a continuing process.

While there have been some commercial products introduced to the market recently, many of the potential for adverse side effects that preclude many from taking advantage of their availability. Propecia, for example is not recommended for use by women who may become pregnant. One of the problems is that it has been shown to cause birth defects. Another product, minoxidil sold under the trade name Rogaine, is sold over the counter and has a success rate of under 30 percent. It also has serious potential side effects, pushing the development of a homeopathic cure and hair loss treatment.

Minoxidil has been known to cause hypertension and is not recommended for use by people who already suffer from high blood pressure. It can also cause breast pain in women and well as gastrointestinal pain, especially if the instructions are not followed. With its relatively low success rate, a homeopathic cure and hair loss treatment is slowly finding its way onto the market.

Homeopathic Cures Bypass Lengthy Processes

By using only natural and safe ingredients, homeopathic cure and hair loss treatments can often be on the market in a much shorter time, without the need to pass through rigorous testing by the FDA. Side effects of most homeopathic cures are non-existent due to the natural make up of the ingredients. One homeopathic cure and hair loss product currently available combines calf thymus extract with botanicals such as aloe vera, nettle and birch. Immune boosters are also included in the ingredients along with vitamins to help boost the immune system while helping grow hair.

The success rate for this product is about 60 percent, slightly higher in women, when used as a homeopathic cure and hair loss treatment. Another product using herbal preparations as a homeopathic cure and hair loss treatment has shown to increase the average hair count by about 75 percent. Of the patients tested, about 90 percent showed improvement while 30 percent showed improved hair growth using only a placebo.