
How Best to Keep Curly Hair

It seems like curly hair is making a big splash what with trend setting celebrities such as Beyonce, Alicia Keys and Christina Aguilera all sporting curly locks. It is debatable whether they are more convenient to maintain but are still associated with less time consuming hair dos. However, curly hair tends to be dryer as well as more brittle and is prone to frizzing as compared to straight hair.

A Few Simple Curly Hair Care Steps

Taking care of one's curly hair requires limiting shampooing of the hair to not more than twice a week because shampoos will remove much of the hair's natural oils. And, while shampooing, remember to also use a conditioner after the shampoo so that the hair is re-moisturized. Everyday, or every alternate day, one can also use a leave-in conditioner and also make it a point to use products that are specifically useful for curly hair.

While combing, narrow toothed combs and brushes should not be used; instead, opt for wide-toothed combs as they will not cause the hair to break or frizz. Curly hair generally gets more tangled; so, when taking a shower to detangle them, one should remember to begin with moist and conditioned hair and use the fingers to start the untangling process. Then finish up by using a wide toothed comb and using it in reverse direction i.e. beginning from the end and finishing at the roots of the hair. This should be followed by rinsing the hair and trying to retain half of the conditioner used, since trying to detangle dry hair will result in it to frizz.

To get the hair to dry out fast, one should simply blot the hair with a towel and not rub the curly hair with a towel, blotting will help dry the hair while also reducing the possibility of it frizzing. In addition, it is also recommended to deep condition the hair once a month or more in order to re-moisturize the scalp and the hair.

It is important to prevent curly hair from frizzing, and using small amounts of styling products that contain moisturizing ingredient(s) will help. The styling product should be applied evenly throughout the hair. Also, to keep the curly hair looking good, one should not play with the hair and not touch it too often as friction so caused will result in tangled and/or frizzed hair.

Taking proper care of one's curly hair using these simple methods will result in better looks as well as improve the condition of the locks while minimizing problems.