
Golf Game Played in the Sand

Your golf game has improved remarkably over the past number of years. Your drive is straight and above average in distance. Your putting game could use a little improvement, but for the most part you are satisfied.

However, there is that middle portion of your golf game to get that ball from the fairway up onto the green. It seems that no matter how hard you try or what techniques you use or what visualizations you latch on to, nothing seems to help. The problem are those sand traps and it almost seems that hidden beneath the sand of those traps are golf ball magnets that only activate and attract your ball in to their grasp.

To help you with your golf game that is played in the sand perhaps a review of some additional information may prove to be helpful. Those tips include using the right tool, the stance and the actual swing.


First of all when endeavoring to improve you golf game, when it comes to playing out of sand traps, it is important to have the proper tools. The tool of choice is the sand wedge. A sand wedge is that particular golf club that is designed for stroking a golf ball that is entrenched in the sand and is built with a unique loft. The loft is the angle at which the iron lays. This loft can range anywhere from 55 to 58 degrees.


Another important aspect to your golf game is the golf stance. When you take your stance it is important to keep in mind a number of factors when lining up in relation to where the ball is lying. The first factor should be the placement of the feet. The feet should not be parallel with the ball but they should be angled at 10° away from the ball. The second factor is to make sure that the heel of your left foot is lined up perpendicular with the golf ball. Finally your shoulders should be parallel with the ball.

Golf Swing

When it comes to your golf game it is all about the golf swing. Finding yourself in a sand trap is no different. When beginning your swing it is important to bring the sand wedge straight back and following the target line. The target line is that imaginary line that is drawn from the ball to where you wish the ball to be placed. When starting on this first stage of your golf swing loosen or break the hands. This maneuver will allow for a more even swing and will allow the wedge to penetrate the sand. This penetration should be in the 2 inch area in front of where the golf ball is lying.

Also, when the sand wedge makes contact with the sand it is important to conduct another maneuver. This maneuver calls for the flexing of the left wrist. This flexing is accomplished by, at the point of contact, flexing the wrist upwards towards the sky. This technique will stop short the stroking action and allow for a good sand shot to be accomplished.