
The Appeal of the Automatic Espresso Machine

In modern coffee times, coffee makers and percolators have often been replaced by espresso machines that can consistently deliver more flavorful and robust coffee all the time. Consumers will surely be astounded by the wide variety of espresso machines available on the market, ranging from the more affordable stove devices to the more expensive automatic and super automatic types. Among these choices, the automatic espresso machine has attained slow but steady popularity among consumers.

An automatic espresso machine is an electric device that requires users to grind, dose and tamp coffee into portafilters which the machine brews into a pre-determined volume. The automatic espresso machine will then exert the required pressure to extract the full flavor and richness of the tamped coffee puck for a full shot of espresso. Saeco, Gaggia, Krips, Rancillio and Solis are some of the popular manufacturers that make high-quality and dependable automatic espresso machines that consumers turn to for dependability and function.

The Type Of Machine Needed

The first thing to keep in mind when choosing an automatic espresso coffee machine is the reason that the espresso coffee machine is being purchased. If the espresso coffee machine is being chosen to provide daily espresso for a single person, then the design and quality of the espresso coffee machine is not as important as the size of the espresso coffee machine. On the other hand, if the automatic espresso coffee machine is going to be used for creating espresso for a large number of people on a regular basis, then the durability of the espresso coffee machine may be the most important factor. Keeping in mind what the espresso coffee machine will be used for after purchase will help eliminate the possibility that the machine chosen will not be functional for the use it is intended for. Many times, people choose a semi automatic espresso machine that is impractical to use because of the brand that is attached to the machine.

Amount Of Use The Espresso Machine Will Receive

Another thing to keep in mind when choosing an automatic espresso coffee machine is the amount of use that the espresso coffee machine will receive. A machine that will only be used several times per year will have different qualities than espresso coffee machine that is used on a regular basis. Likewise, the amount of espresso that the person will be using the automatic espresso coffee machine to make is equally important. A machine that will be used by a person nearly every day of the week will need to be much more durable than the espresso coffee machine used by a person three or four times a month. The amount of use that the espresso coffee machine will receive is a very important indicator of what type of automatic espresso coffee machine should be chosen, because the less expensive models of espresso coffee machine may not hold up to the strain of heavy use, causing the person to have to purchase another automatic espresso coffee machine in the future.

Automatic Espresso Machine Varieties

The automatic espresso machine is essentially divided into several types based on price, function, and frequency of use. However, it may be true that the automatic espresso machine is a sign of the owner's love for coffee and the prestige and style of having one displayed on the home's countertop. These days, automatic espresso machines are not only limited to commercial coffee houses, but are slowly and steadily finding a spot in homes and offices. The convenience and ease of use for quick coffee brewing are some of the popular reasons behind the popularity of the automatic espresso machine.

There are different types of automatic espresso machines that function based on tested principles to provide rich espresso with every use. A basic automatic espresso machine has a built-in flow meter that regulates the amount of water needed to produce espresso. The same device is pre-programmed to work with a pump that automatically turns off at the right time to release the ideal brew through a solenoid valve. An automatic espresso machine employs the user to manually grind and tamp the coffee into a coffee puck for brewing.

However, the most popular automatic espresso machines are the semi-automatic types patented by Achilles Gaggia in the late 1930's. Semi-automatic espresso machines have integrated the electric pump system into the espresso machine without the built-in flow meter. This machine also requires the manual grinding and tamping of the coffee for flavor extraction. Semi-automatic machines are also designed to offer ideal pressure to force water through the coffee with the push of a button or a lift of the lever. The same mechanism allows semi-automatic espresso machines to produce consistently rich and full-flavored espresso with every use.

The latest innovations in the automatic espresso machine industry are the super automatic machines that offer convenience, speed and easy maintenance to tickle espresso aficionados' fancy. Initially designed, developed and marketed for commercial use, many manufacturers have started to produce miniature varieties specially designed for home use. Super automatic espresso machines successfully integrate the dependability of a fully automatic espresso machine and the convenience of a built-in coffee grinder for maximum ease.