
If Your Dog Has Bad Breath

Dog bad breath is a fairly common problem that pet owners complain about. One of the most common causes of dog bad breath is some kind of dental problem, which is aggravated by poor oral hygiene.

Check the Teeth

Bad teeth may cause bad breath. Food stuck between teeth or in cavities of the teeth may expel a bad odor that causes bad breath. The condition becomes worse if it is caused by periodontal disease, or gum disease wherein the gums are infected.

So next time you notice bad breath in your dog be sure to check the teeth first. Nice clean teeth will naturally produce nice clean smell. But bad, cavity-filled teeth is one of the causes of dog bad breath.


Food debris left in the mouth can rot or attract bacteria, which feed on them. They could form plaque, providing more breeding ground for bacteria to thrive on. As the bacteria population increases, the levels of volatile sulfur compounds they release also increase. These sulfur compounds have an unpleasant odor like rotten eggs and are actually one of the causes of dog bad breath.

Symptom of an Underlying Condition

Other causes of dog bad breath may be an underlying medical condition which the dog is suffering without your knowledge. These conditions may include:

* Diabetes mellitus

* Kidney disease

* Infections of areas around the mouth, such as the folds of the lips

* Gastrointestinal disease including cancers and obstructions

* Other oral disease such as tonsillitis, cancer, trauma, and some autoimmune diseases

* Dietary "indiscretions" such as eating stool or spoiled garbage


In addition to that, the foods that your pet ate could also be one cause of dog bad breath. Spicy foods usually expel an unpleasant odor once they are digested and are absorbed in the bloodstream. The blood is then carried over to the lungs where the odor is expelled every time your dog exhales. To avoid this from happening to your dog, minimize its intake of foods that are known to cause bad breath.

Poor Digestion

Causes of dog bad breath may also include poor digestion. The partially digested food may be causing some problems in the digestive system, releasing a noxious odor when breath is expelled. Usually poor digestion is caused by the very foods that your dog eats. Most diets today are devoid of digestive enzymes and beneficial organisms, which all help during the digestive process. Without these enzymes, the dog's digestive system is unable to perform properly. You can treat this one cause of dog bad breath by giving your special enzyme formulas designed to improve digestion.