
What Gives You An Insurance Discount? Defensive Driving Courses!

Car insurance is a necessary evil in today's world. If you have ever been hit by an uninsured driver and was left stuck paying huge repair bills, you know why some countries insist that drivers need proof of insurance before they are allowed to drive. But car insurance costs so much. And, if you get into an accident (even if it wasn't your fault) your insurance premiums STILL go up. So what can possible give you a car insurance discount? Defensive driving courses.

Save Up To 10%

Check with your car insurance for specifics, but most will give you up to 10% insurance discount. Defensive driving courses vary in price from school to school. They are easy to find on the web, in the phone book, or by asking your community college what driver's education schools they use. You may even be able to get a recommended list of schools from your car insurance company.

You need to take the class, which can run all day or over a series of days, whichever the school prefers. In some schools, you have to go to their classrooms. In some, you can take the course online. There are video courses as well, but check to see that your insurance company will accept them as "real" classes. All are eligible for a car insurance discount. Defensive driving course will pay for itself not only with your discount, but in having you learn essential driving skills. It may even help make you less stressed about driving. And less stress can lead to a healthier (and less expensive) life.

What Is Defensive Driving

Although you may be more interested in the insurance discount, defensive driving course will help you avoid getting into an accident in the first place. If you know you are too sick or drunk to drive and drive anyway, that is not defensive driving. That is demented driving. You will also learn to pay attention to your car and what the other drivers are doing. You will learn the best ways to stay alert, how to drive in bad weather conditions and how to keep a safe distance from all the other cars on the road. In the end, you get a certificate of some kind.

In order to get your car insurance discount, defensive driving course's certificate of completion. This is the paper your insurance company needs to see, as this proves you took the course.