
Many Sizes Available For A Homelite Chain Saw

A chainsaw can be a valuable piece of equipment to own in a variety of circumstances, whether you just need some firewood or a tree was knocked down during a storm. While there are several options on the market, a Homelite chain saw has one that can zip through most of your problems.

From the 14-inch Bandit for small jobs such as trimming tree branches of cutting up small logs, to the 20-inch Timberman, there is a Homelite chain saw to make your work easier. Regardless of the size of the cutting bar, every Homelite chain saw comes with complete instructions on keeping you safe while working with it.

While your Homelite chain saw is still under factory warranty, any repairs you may need should be handled by an authorized sales and repair center. Should you choose to do the repairs yourself, the warranty may be avoided, especially if you did not use genuine Homelite chain saw parts.

Bigger Jobs Require Bigger Equipment

That 14-inch Bandit may work well for smaller jobs, but if the branch you are going to cut is bigger than that, you will need a bigger Homelite chain saw, mostly for safety. Trying to use a chainsaw, which is shorter than the branch or tree you are attempting to cut, can lead to kick back and increase the potential for personal injury. For safety considerations, the cutting bar should be at least two-inches long than the wood you are trying to cut.

Another safety tip is to make sure of your footing. Whether you are using a Homelite chain saw or another brand, you want to be sure your feet are not going to slip out from under you in the middles of the cut. Additionally, you will want to keep the wood you are cutting is also stable and will not roll when you push the blade into it.

The instructions for a Homelite chain saw suggest placing the front of the saw housing against the log you are cutting to help prevent the saw log from rolling towards you and possibly kicking the saw out of the cut. Also, be sure the part of the log where the cut is to be made, isn't lower than the two ends. This can cause the chain to bind in the cut. The cutoff part of the log should always be slightly higher than where the cut is made.