
Styles Of Office Cabinets

Everyone that works inside instead of outside knows something about office cabinets. There are a lot of companies that make them and almost as many styles to choose from. For people who work out of a cubicle there are even specific cabinets designed for them. Most companies don't want to spend a lot of money on office cabinets except for the boss's office. So what usually ends up happening is that the purchasing agent puts out bids from several companies and will pick the low bidder. This isn't always the case, but it does happen a lot. Just because it was the lowest bid doesn't mean that they won't look good.

The first office cabinet to look at is the Office Designs Vertical filing cabinet. It is eighteen inches deep and can hold wide legal size files. This is a twist on the old style filing cabinet because it also holds a printer. It can be bought from Staples for around eighty dollars and up. There are other cabinets that cost more but this is a good basic cabinet for any office cabinets.

Staples, also, makes an all wood filing cabinet with four doors. This office cabinet comes in a very stylish cherry wood finish. It is about fifty inches tall with each drawer holding fifteen inches of filing capacity. A buyer can expect to very reasonably pay around forty five dollars for this cabinet.

More Office Cabinets

Another cabinet is the Office Depot brand laminated file cabinet. Prices begin around one hundred dollars and up. This office cabinet will look good at home or in the office. The standard wood color for the Office Depot brand laminated cabinet is dark oak. It holds two doors and stands about thirty inches high by sixteen inches deep. A little smaller than other office cabinets, it remains a great deal for the price.

One more office cabinet to compare is the Office Designs vertical cabinet that is different from the other previously mentioned cabinet. It is made well and will last longer than most employees. It has two drawers that are twenty two inches tall. Standing at about twenty seven inches tall it is very convenient. It also has smooth ball bearings that make opening and closing the drawers exceptionally easy. It is built out of twenty eight gauge metal that still looks good while taking a lot of abuse. For this office cabinet, a person can expect to pay around seventy dollars. There are two keys so that the drawers can remain locked when not in use. This will allow a person to keep valuables and confidentiality secure.