
Natural Botox Alternative: Protox 10 Does the Job Just as Effectively

There are alternatives available that do the job of diminishing wrinkles and creating a more youthful appearance without recourse to Botox treatment. There are a number of products available on the market and one such is called Protox 10, which is a legitimate natural alternative to Botox.

Protox 10 is useful in reducing the depth of the wrinkles that exist near the eyes and are a result of contraction of the muscles of facial expression. It also extends the life of Botox injections and thus reduces the number of procedures and helps save the patient some amount of money.

Protox 10 is a natural botox alternative that helps reduce wrinkle depth by as much as half and also prevents the skin from aging. There is no other natural botox alternative that is as strong as Protox 10 and it also does not require any needles, surgery or acid peels and its double action formula with EU patent means it is a fully proven product.

Protox 10 is applied in the form of a gel which helps to moisturize and hydrate the skin and has been formulated by government-regulated manufacturers and thus ensures that the skin is protected because it is manufactured by the best pharmaceutical-grade processes, material as well as ingredients. In addition, Protox 10 is an airless system that benefits the patient in two ways. Firstly, the system is totally hygienic and there are no dirty fingers that can enter the formula because the gel used will harbor as well as encourage bacteria growth and secondly, it prevents air from reaching the formula and that ensures maximum potency.

Botox Booster?

Protox 10 can be used as a natural botox alternative or as a booster to Botox and this may be done by applying a gentle massage into the targeted facial lines as well as muscle points and then applying a thin coat near the eyes to clean dry skin twice a day. After that, one should wait three minutes and then apply adequate face moisturizer and do this for three weeks. Beyond 90 days one can apply this natural botox alternative once or twice a week and always use a face moisturizer as well. Over a period of time, using these procedures, one would begin to notice significant reduction in the size as well as depth of wrinkles and lines and all this is achieved without loss of natural expression.